This quiz tests How Liberal are you? Congratulations! You are woolly. You like nothing better than to sing 'give peace a chance' accompanied by your own authentic medieval lute while your partner plays the tambourine. Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector How Liberal are you? by cheesehoven.
Test your knowledge of:
Congratulations! You are woolly. You like nothing better than to sing 'give peace a chance' accompanied by your own authentic medieval lute while your partner plays the tambourine.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Most crime is due to economic deprivation
True False

Criminals should have equal rights to the law abiding
True False

Crime is a disease of society and should be treated rather than punished
True False

Minorities, after centuries of being marginalised, now deserve greater rights than the majority
True False

Islamic fundamentalism is a result of Western imperialism
True False

All men are potential rapists
True False

People should be legally compelled to be environmentally friendly and recycle
True False

The white heterosexual male establishment needs to be dismantled
True False

We could all live together in peace and harmony if we could just learn to love each other
True False

All cultures are equal
True False

Nuclear power is bad
True False

Iran is entitled to nuclear power
True False

People should be legally compelled to be tolerant
True False

Positive discrimination is a good idea
True False

Racism must always be challenged
True False

War is always bad
True False

Michael Moore and George Clooney talk a lot of sense
True False

America is the greatest danger to world peace
True False

There is never any need for violence
True False

Capitalism is an unjust system that inevitably leads to greed and deprivation
True False

The wealthy should be heavily taxed to help the poor
True False

Africa should receive unconditional debt relief
True False

'Political Correctness' is a term invented by the right to discredit reasonable policies
True False

It is legitimate for the weak, the downtrodden and the disempowered to use violence
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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