This quiz tests Which SelectSmart Politics Forum Posters Are You Most Ideologically Aligned With? Llehctim Ttelrap Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which SelectSmart Politics Forum Posters Are You Most Ideologically Aligned With? by Liberal of Limeyland.
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Llehctim Ttelrap

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Global warming is a man-made threat and we should do all we can to prevent it
True False

Globalisation is good for economies all around the world
True False

America should practise fair trade instead of free trade, insisting on environmental and labor standards before any deals are reached
True False

The government should increase regulation of the economy, because workers, consumers and the environment are in need of greater protection
True False

President Bush was correct to pursue partial privatization of social security by proposing to give people the option of investing in private accounts
True False

America should strive for a free at the point of delivery health service, like the system Canada and western European countries have
True False

A voucher system is likely to improve education
True False

The government should implement a flat tax system, whereby everyone pays the same rate of tax no matter what their income
True False

Deficits don't matter
True False

Government spending on education, health, and social programs should increase in order to help the poorest in society
True False

American newspapers should publish the controversial depictions of Prophet Muhammad in the name of free speech and solidarity with the European newspapers who have been pilloried for inflaming tensions between Islam and the West
True False

The best way to respond to the terrorist threat is to put national security before concerns about civil liberties.
True False

The death penalty is not a barbaric act, but a thoroughly reasonable punishment for those who commit heinous crimes
True False

Homosexuality is a way of life which should accepted by society, not frowned upon
True False

Homosexual weddings should be legalised in the name of equal rights
True False

Euthanasia allows a dignified ending for permanently vegetated people and the terminally ill who are in severe pain
True False

Abortion is not an immoral act, because a woman should have the right to sovereignty over her own body
True False

There should be restrictions on the right to bear arms, for example there should be a compulsory background check
True False

Stem cell research is not killing embryos, but paving the way to cures for life-threatening diseases for which at the present time there is no cure
True False

Islam is a peaceful religion
True False

The USA was right to take military action against Iraq
True False

Now that America is in Iraq, it has no choice but to stay for the long haul
True False

It is wrong to hold people without trial, so Guantanamo bay should be closed down
True False

A victory in 2008 for a Republican candidate similar to President Bush would be worse than Osama Bin Laden evading capture
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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