This quiz tests Jane Austen Character Selector Wickham from _Pride & Prejudice_ Books Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Books IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Jane Austen Character Selector by Merrie Haskell.
Test your knowledge of:
Wickham from _Pride & Prejudice_

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I am wild for dancing.
True False

I have refused a few marriage proposals in my time.
True False

I am reknowned for my even temper.
True False

I am long-winded.
True False

I am very sincere, always.
True False

I like to write lengthy letters to explain myself when things go awry.
True False

I am ruthlessly practical when it comes to matters of the heart-- love is not enough to live on!
True False

I choose to meddle in other people's love lives-- for their own good, of course.
True False

I'm superior to most of the people I know.
True False

I am easily persuaded.
True False

I usually think the best of people.
True False

I am a student of human folly.
True False

I am impetuous.
True False

People think I'm cold-- I'm just reserved, though.
True False

I have served (or do still) in the military.
True False

I have a romantic view of love.
True False

I like to read.
True False

I have a vivid imagination.
True False

Other people think I'm devious.
True False

I am generous.
True False

I tend to do good deeds in secret, as I don't like all that nasty attention.
True False

People underestimate me.
True False

I like to seduce young men/women.
True False

I am good at keeping secrets.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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