This quiz tests Knights of Honor Rhodry - Great Sorcerer Games & Toys Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Games & Toys IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Knights of Honor by Locke.
Test your knowledge of:
Rhodry - Great Sorcerer

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You are a good leader.
True False

You think Jet Li kicks ass.
True False

You think Locke needs a life. Yeehaw!!!
True False

You think Catalina is a nerd. 8-)
True False

Rhodry's a man whore!!!!!
True False

You've ever called Jon "Joint" just to piss him off.
True False

You think Lee NEEDS A GIRLFRIEND! (Ladies, please call Lee at 1-800-Grl4-Lee)
True False

You want Locke and Spiritmoon to adopt you.
True False

You think Starr is a spy from LSD.
True False

You have been smacked by Locke before.
True False

You say roflroflroflroflrofl, jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk, or lolololololololol at least 50 times in one conversation.
True False

You know the words to "Because I Got High" by Afroman.
True False

You think Spiritmoon can read our minds and is controlling us right now. (dun dun dun...)
True False

You want Locke to make you a Temper's Ball icon. (Take a number, and wait in line.)
True False

You were cursed enough in life to have been cousins with Norman.
True False

You are good at music trivia. Yeeeaah baby yeah!!!
True False

You know that Rune is in fact the one... the only... RUNE INALYA!!!!
True False

You've ever accidentally called Woulf "Would" from a typo.
True False

You've ever called Woulf "Would" on purpose just to piss him off.
True False

You go by any of these - Jon, Jont, Joint, Jontorious, Jon Jon, Jonny Boy, Jonnie Wonnie, Thrash, Blaze, Thunder, Thrace
True False

You have a guild nickname. (ex: Lancie Wancie, Logie Wogie, Antie Wantie, Chellie Wellie, Kylie Wylie, Normie Wormie, Runie Wunie, Jonnie Wonnie, Gokou Wokou...etc)
True False

You were in the guild when we used to actually WIN wars... (Yep, there was a time when we actually did.)
True False

You have been hit by Locke by any of these: door, hockey stick, baseball bat, keyboard, scanner, golf club, Catalina's teddy bear, computer chair
True False

You know our guild motto.... *coughcoughWeLiveForTheFightWeDieForTheGlorycoughcough*
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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