This quiz tests Which Harry Potter Character Are You? (With Half-Blood Prince Characters) You are Remus Lupin Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Harry Potter Character Are You? (With Half-Blood Prince Characters) by Roonil_Wazlib.
Test your knowledge of:
You are Remus Lupin

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Math finals are approaching and you haven't studied at all. Do you cheat in order to secure a passing grade in the class?
True False

You have just taken a test, and you know you did well. Your friend will have the same test tommorow, and she wants you to give her all the answers. You are very oposed to this, but she tells you that if you give her the answers, she'll buy you a cd that you have wanted for a long time. Do you accept your friend's offer?
True False

You didn't pass a test. You are very annoyed and angry about this, for you feel you deserved to pass. Do you try to talk to the teacher, and badger her for not passing you? Do you ask her for a second try every chance you get?
True False

You are a citizen in a crumbling and squalid empire. Do you still conduct yourself with audacity due to the achievements that your empire has enjoyed in the past?
True False

You have a best friend, who you would never betray. They are accused of a crime. Do you forsake your friendship with them because of their new status as a criminal?
True False

You are at a party, and a friend offers you beer. You decline, and they act patronizing towards you for the rest of the night. Do you eventually resolve to drink it just to prove yourself to your friend?
True False

Are you good looking?
True False

If your peers gave you a lot of attention becuase you helped the school win a football game, would you embellish your acheivments in hopes of gaining more attention?
True False

If someone who you were not friends with was being made fun of at school, would you assist the assailant rather than the victim?
True False

You want to join a club (or some sort of organized group) but you are afraid that you are not cool enough and none of your friends will go with you, do you go anyway?
True False

You go shopping with your friends. They are all shoplifting and they tell you to do the same. You are scared to shoplift. Do you do it anyway to fit in?
True False

If you got dumped by your boy/girlfriend, would you be able to get over it quickly, rather than try to get consolation from various people and ponder over your breakup for an extended period of time?
True False

You are drinking soda and one of your friends asks if they can have a sip. Do you allow them to despite the threat of germs?
True False

You know someone who has a great personality but is not quite good looking. Would you be interested in dating them anyway?
True False

You are the captain of your school's football team and you know someone who you feel would make a valuable addition to your team. However, they are not interested in joining. Do you continuoulsy ask them to join rather than giving up quickly?
True False

You know someone who is very rich but who you do not particularly like. Do you pretend to like them singularly in the hopes that they will buy you things?
True False

If you had a friend who often cheated on exams, even after you had told them to stop, would you tell a teacher about their cheating?
True False

If someone who had always been an enemy of yours and of your friends suddenly seemed interested in becoming friends with you, would you go for it if you knew that it would make you more popular?
True False

If someone was trying to pick your pocket would you calmly tell them off rather than acting outrageously?
True False

Would you quit a job in a big company only becuase your boss was authoritarian and malicious?
True False

If someone dared you to ask out the best looking person in your school, would you do it without thinking about the risk of embarrasment?
True False

Would you turn someone down becuase you thought that they deserved better?
True False

You know someone who is constantly conducting themselves with gall, would you give them a second chance if they asked for your forgivness?
True False

Your friends seem to be sharing an intruiging secret, but they refuse to let you in. Do you grow angry and reprimand them harshly for this?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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