This quiz tests Which Famous Historical Communist Are You? Gorbachev History Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This History IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Famous Historical Communist Are You? by Workers Of The World Unite.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you support industry(yes) or agriculture(no) more heavily?
True False

Should agricultural collectivization be forced?
True False

Should the state be ruled by the intellects of the party not the people directly?
True False

Will a true socialist state be achieved without world revolution?
True False

Do you believe a vanguard party will lead the masses in revolution?
True False

Do you believe in state control of industry not small businesses and large farms?
True False

Do you believe in a planned economy with 5 yr. plans and such?
True False

Would you allow factions to exist within your party?
True False

Are you a nationalist?
True False

Would you allow protest and dissent if the dissent was reformative but pro-communist?
True False

Do you believe in term limits, a minimum wage, and other liberal reforms?
True False

Should the party try to let more workers in and increase government size?
True False

Do you want democratically chosen councils of the workers rather than the dictatorship?
True False

Do you believe in national self-determination?
True False

Would you like to see the world run by one socialist government?
True False

Are you a staunch feminist?
True False

Will the banner of revolution be carried by the peasants(yes) or the factory workers?
True False

Should the state control all media and transportation?
True False

Should the workers be paid different wages if they produce more?
True False

Does your state have set morals?
True False

Are the peasants not as capable for leadership as are the workers?
True False

Should religion be forcibly suppressed?
True False

Would You believe in a more DEMOCRATIC dictatorship ore having an executive council with a council of workers for each industry?
True False

Is your state an Egalitarian, individualistic, and open movement with internationalist tendencies (yes) or a more authoritarian, police, like state?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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