This quiz tests Canadian Political Party Selector Marxist-Leninist Party Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Canadian Political Party Selector by Gabu.
Test your knowledge of:
Marxist-Leninist Party

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

A free market is absolutely essential for a free society.
True False

The poor and downtrodden are far too ignored today.
True False

A clean environment should come before anything else.
True False

Our society is currently far too dependent on oil.
True False

Same-sex marriage should be fully legalized.
True False

Regardless of the answer given for question 5, civil unions would be a good compromise on the same-sex marriage topic.
True False

Marijuana should be legalized without hesitation.
True False

Unions should be given more power than they currently have.
True False

Canada has become far too discriminatory towards Quebec.
True False

A regulated society is an effective one.
True False

The military's size should not be increased.
True False

I agree with the spirit of the Kyoto Protocol, even if I may disagree with its specifics.
True False

Christianity is a fundamental base to a civilized society.
True False

Universal health care and social security are fundamentally good ideas.
True False

The United States has become too aggressive and warmongering since Bush came into power.
True False

Current regulations on pollution are not nearly enough.
True False

Minorities should be given special treatment in society.
True False

Stalin's version of communism was perhaps the most unrepresentative example of communism that one could think of.
True False

The rich should pay a much higher price than they currently do for their higher standard of living.
True False

Having a dictator as the leader of a country may not be a bad thing, if it's the right dictator.
True False

The "war on drugs" should be scaled back.
True False

The main reason society is so immoral today is because of the absence of religion.
True False

Government censorship is not always a bad thing.
True False

Dealing with global warming should be one of the top priorities for government.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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