This quiz tests Religion Selector Pagan/Satanic Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Religion Selector by Anuxa1304.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you believe in God/Allah/Buddah?
True False

Do you believe in Jesus?
True False

Do you believe Jesus was actually the last Prophet and God's son?
True False

Do you believe Mary was actually a virgin?
True False

Do you believe in Heaven and Hell (yes), the Afterlife/Afterworld/Alternative Plane (NOT Heaven) (no), or the Afterworld and Hell (either)?
True False

Do you believe God has helpers (saints or magically helpful creatures/beings)?
True False

Do you believe homosexuality is against/a sin according to the Bible/Torah/Koran?
True False

Do you believe there are 7 sins (yes), less than 7 sins (no), or more than 7 sins (either)?
True False

Do you hate Islamic/Muslim people?
True False

Do you wish to go to church/synagog/temple/place of worship at least once a week (yes), or would you perfer to stay home and worship (no)?
True False

Do you believe God/Allah/Buddah can hear you whenever, wherever (yes), or do you have to be in a church for him to hear you (no)?
True False

Do you believe God/Allah/Buddah can see you all the time?
True False

Are you open to other religions?
True False

Are you religiously tolerant?
True False

Do you believe the Pentagram has always been a Satanic symbol?
True False

Are you against witchcraft (even harmless)?
True False

Do you celebrate Halloween/Day of the Dead?
True False

Do you worry about what others will think of your religion?
True False

Do you think Hitler was right to persecute Jews?
True False

Do you think all members of other religions should die except yours?
True False

Do you feel strongly about your religious convictions?
True False

Do you think a cross between multiple religions, creating a single NON-Satanic religion is a good idea?
True False

Do you believe in modern medicine to help save lives?
True False

Do you believe it is wrong to kill animals for the purpose of food (yes), or fun (no), or neither (either)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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