This quiz tests 21st Century Decade Selector 2010s - You are a Reaganaut. Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector 21st Century Decade Selector by 2032.
Test your knowledge of:
2010s - You are a Reaganaut.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Global: Do you wear a hat?
True False

Global: Do you often wear monocles?
True False

Global: Do you often wear several monocles?
True False

Global: Would you describe yourself as fabulously rich?
True False

Global: Are you optimistic about the future of the global economy?
True False

Global: Which 20th century decade would you prefer? 1990s (select yes for this one) 1920s (select no for this one)
True False

Global: Would you agree that the year 2032 will be more significant than any other year in the 21st century?
True False

US Domestic Policy: Are you worried about the future of Social Security?
True False

US Domestic Policy: Do you think the national debt is a problem?
True False

US Domestic Policy: Which group of US presidents would you prefer? FDR, Clinton, Carter (select yes) GHW Bush, Reagan, Nixon (select no)
True False

US Domestic Policy: Do you think the US economy is in danger of collapse within the next 50 years?
True False

US Domestic Policy: Do you think that secessionism will be a problem soon?
True False

Global: Which movie would you prefer? Kill Bill v. 1 (select yes) The Matrix (select no)
True False

Global: Do you think music and pop culture have taken a turn for the worse in the last 70 years?
True False

US: Where would you rather live? Vermont (select yes) Oklahoma (select no)
True False

Global: Where would you rather live? A member nation of the EU (select yes) The USA (select no)
True False

Global: Do you think China will take a lead in the space industry?
True False

Global: Do you agree with the privatization of space?
True False

US: Do you think the US needs to take a lead in extraterrestrial colonization?
True False

Global: Are you a fan of books such as "How to Read a Book", by Charles Van Doren?
True False

Global: Do you believe that you have a connection with a higher power?
True False

Global: What is the poorest country in the western hemisphere? Brazil (select yes) Haiti (select no)
True False

Global: Would you consider yourself an avid reader?
True False

Global: Do you believe, if you believe you have a connection with a higher power, that because you have a connection with a higher power, you make better decisions than others, and that you are more able to predict the future?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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