This quiz tests Bush v Kerry George W Bush Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Bush v Kerry by JJShabadoo.
Test your knowledge of:
George W Bush

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Our European allies can and must be convinced to aid us in the War on Terror, including the War in Iraq.
True False

Preemptive war is justified against a growing threat.
True False

It is feasible to significantly reduce the number of troops in Iraq by July of 2005.
True False

Instead of continuing unilateral economic sanctions to prevent Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons, that nation should be offered nuclear fuel as part of an agreement to stop its nuclear weapons program.
True False

Bilateral US-DPRK talks on the Armistice, North Korea's economic and human rights records, artillery disposal, the DMZ and nuclear weapons are preferrable to the current six-way nuclear talks.
True False

Food aid and sanctions are not enough to curtail the Darfur genocide; the American military must provide logistical support to the African Union.
True False

It would be better to keep the minimum wage at $5.15 per hour than to increase it to $7 per hour.
True False

The government should cut taxes on the middle class and increase taxes in equal measure on the top 2% of earners.
True False

The federal government should enforce workers' rights: overtime pay, equal pay for women, and the rights to unionize and to take extended leave for childbirth or family illness.
True False

Tort reform should be a major priority, as frivolous lawsuits are a drain on the U.S. economy.
True False

The government can better help the economy by cutting taxes on manufacturers than by increasing their subsidies.
True False

Federal money should go to companies and workers hurt as a result of trade liberalization; the United States should tax money made by foreign subsidiaries of American companies; and all new trade liberalization agreements should ensure labour rights and environmental protections.
True False

Providing a federal health care plan to every American, as well as importing prescription drugs from Canada, is preferable to creating tax-deductible health savings accounts, working with state and local governments to provide healthcare, and liberalizing the health insurance market.
True False

New workers should be allowed to invest their payroll tax in private savings accounts.
True False

The government should protect the ANWR and keep loggers out of national forests.
True False

The federal government would better promote better teaching by paying professionals in other sectors to teach according to their expertise, than by paying for an increase in teacher salary, imposing tough exams for potential teachers, and making it easier to get rid of bad teachers. The federal government need not broaden and improve testing under NCLB, but should educate parents about early childhood development. The expansion of college tuition grants to both provide more money and include more adult and part-time students, and an increase in federal student loan limits, are more important than offering a tax credit for college students, simplifying the student aid process, and helping prospective students with the application process.
True False

The federal government should prohibit partial birth abortions, except where a mother's life is at risk.
True False

Federal funding of stem cell research should be increased and expanded beyond the original 60 lines.
True False

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