This quiz tests Are you a libertarian? Sorry, but libertarianism is just not for you. You should try to be a little less caring and a little more dogmatic. Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you a libertarian? by Mangosteen.
Test your knowledge of:
Sorry, but libertarianism is just not for you. You should try to be a little less caring and a little more dogmatic.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

The environment can best be protected by private corporations like McDonald’s and Exxon.
True False

There are natural invisible forces governing all human transactions.
True False

Discrimination hurts mostly the person or business that practices it.
True False

There is no such thing as society.
True False

Everybody deserves the right to the basic necessities of life, including clean water, food, clothing, and shelter.
True False

The primary role of a government should be to protect the interests of the wealthy and powerful from the impoverished masses.
True False

To make a rational decision, one must be given a meaningful set of choices.
True False

To make a rational decision, a consumer must have adequate knowledge about the product or service and the company that provides it.
True False

Corporations pose no threat to individual liberty.
True False

A market system is better than democracy because people can vote with their dollars.
True False

Sweatshops are totally different than slavery because the workers are always free to work for another sweatshop or let their families starve to death.
True False

With regard to new technologies, the precautionary principle is a good idea.
True False

The rights of the family, community, society, nation, or environment may sometimes supercede the rights of the individual.
True False

Regulation is unnecessary because after a product kills and maims enough people, the invisible hand will put the company out of business.
True False

If the income tax were repealed, landlords would raise rents and businesses would raise prices and lower wages.
True False

If I witness people starving to death, I am comforted knowing that at least nobody was forced to give up a part of their wealth.
True False

Education should only be for those who can afford it.
True False

Animals are merely property, and should not be accorded any rights of their own.
True False

Civic elections should be subject to market principles just like everything else.
True False

Letting profit-motivated corporations take charge of educating our children is a good idea.
True False

Drugs are a social problem which affects more than just the individuals who use them.
True False

If my neighbor wants to build and stockpile large amounts of weapons, explosives, and nuclear devices, that’s none of my business.
True False

I feel safer in a society where everybody carries a gun, including me, than where nobody carries a gun, including me.
True False

My neighbor can spew as many toxic chemicals into the air as he likes because that’s his property.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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