This quiz tests Which Marauder are you? You are Prongs! Harry's dad Mr. James Potter. You are definately the leader of your friends. You are loud and proud and have a bit of an ego. You are a trouble maker no doubt, and you can't resist a good time. You make a conscious effort to be cool and stay in the eye of the crowd. You revel in the attention others are willing to lavish you with and are annoyed by those who don't give it. Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Marauder are you? by Snuffy.
Test your knowledge of:
You are Prongs! Harry's dad Mr. James Potter. You are definately the leader of your friends. You are loud and proud and have a bit of an ego. You are a trouble maker no doubt, and you can't resist a good time. You make a conscious effort to be cool and stay in the eye of the crowd. You revel in the attention others are willing to lavish you with and are annoyed by those who don't give it.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

On a beautiful summer day would you be out and about and being as active as possible?
True False

what do you enjoy more, athletics (yes) and sports or reading and learning( no)?
True False

Are you a leader ( yes) or a follower ( no)?
True False

Do you like attention(yes) or shy away from it( no)?
True False

Are you confident( yes) or insecure( no)?
True False

Do you people find you mature( yes) or immature(no)?
True False

Are you feisty ( yes) are tame ( no)?
True False

Do you look up to people( yes ) or do people look up to you ( no)?
True False

When you have a crush on some one are you straight forward with them( yes) or do you try subtle hints ( no)?
True False

Are you a little vain?
True False

Are you a trouble maker?
True False

Are you serious ( yes) or playful ( no)?
True False

Are you the hero( yes) or the sidekick ( no)?
True False

When people want to know something do they come to you for the answer?
True False

Are you easy to get along with?
True False

Are you average at a lot of things ( yes) or fantastic at a few( no)?
True False

Do you make the rules( yes) or do you break them ( no)?
True False

Do you hang with a group ( yes) or go solo(no)?
True False

Are you smooth with the oposite sex?
True False

Do you enjoy action?
True False

Are you a fighter( yes) or a lover( no) or just damn chicken( not sure)?
True False

Do you enjoy a challenge?
True False

Are you very observant?
True False

If you try and fail do you try again?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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