This quiz tests Sorting Hat Hufflepuff Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Sorting Hat by absentmindedgenius.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Set one:You're stood with your best friend, when your worst enemy comes up to you, and insults your friend. Do you get mad and hex them?
True False

Set one:You're stood with your best friend, when your worst enemy comes up to you, and insults your friend. Do you get mad and punch them?
True False

Set one:You're stood with your best friend, when your worst enemy comes up to you, and insults your friend. Do you throw a smart alec-comment back at them?
True False

Set one:You're stood with your best friend, when your worst enemy comes up to you, and insults your friend. Do you grab your friend and walk away, commenting loudly how much better your friend is than the other person?
True False

Set two: Your parents have banned you from going out to the cinema with your friends. Do you sneak out behind their backs?
True False

Set two: Your parents have banned you from going out to the cinema with your friends. Do you just get on with your homework?
True False

Set two: Your parents have banned you from going out to the cinema with your friends. Do you run up a huge phone bill chatting instead?
True False

Set two: Your parents have banned you from going out to the cinema with your friends. Do you get all your friends over instead?
True False

Set three: It's your first day at muggle primary school. Are you excited?
True False

Set three: It's your first day at muggle primary school. Are you worried?
True False

Set three: It's your first day at muggle primary school. Are you unsure?
True False

Set three: It's your first day at muggle primary school. Are you bored?
True False

Set four: Your dad is an animagus of a snake. You think "I'd love to be an animagus, maybe a wolf, or a bear"
True False

Set four: Your dad is an animagus of a snake. You think "Wow, maybe he can teach me that"
True False

Set four: Your dad is an animagus of a snake. You think "My Dad is a cool is that?"
True False

Set four: Your dad is an animagus of a snake. You think "Aaargh! Snake!"
True False

Set five: Your older brother becomes a Death Eater. Do you feel worried for him?
True False

Set five: Your older brother becomes a Death Eater. Do you feel proud of him (though you'd never join yourself)
True False

Set five: Your older brother becomes a Death Eater. Do you feel betrayed?
True False

Set five: Your older brother becomes a Death Eater. Do you feel like "Brother? I have no brother"?
True False

Set six: Your first date with a boy/girl. He/She was ok but a bit of a wimp?
True False

Set six: Your first date with a boy/girl. He/She was your best friend?
True False

Set six: Your first date with a boy/girl. He/She was boring
True False

Set six: Your first date with a boy/girl. He/She was smart and funny- you picked well!
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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