This quiz tests You would be Whom in InuYasha? InuYasha- Everyone's favorite Hanyou! Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector You would be Whom in InuYasha? by The Jes.
Test your knowledge of:
InuYasha- Everyone's favorite Hanyou!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You make excuses for others.
True False

You like a close range weapon, so that you can dive right into the fight.
True False

Being clean is important to you.
True False

You are a very loyal follower, rather than a leader.
True False

...Or are you a follower, but not so loyal?
True False

You would run from a battle if you thought you were going to lose.
True False

You would kill only to save someone you care for.
True False

You learn of a weapon of mass power, and seek to obtain it.
True False

...Would you use it to defend and protect?
True False

You eat a lot.
True False

You like to have time to yourself.
True False

You are caught in the middle of a love triangle.
True False

You tend to go out of your way to help people.
True False

You are very knowlegable on a wide variety of subjects.
True False

You are extremly drawn to most members of the oposite sex, and unashamed.
True False

You create great works that you can be proud of.
True False

You smile a lot.
True False

You forget things easily.
True False

You are easily forgotten.
True False

You look after the people that should be looking after you.
True False

You care deeply about others and would risk your life to help them.
True False

Your high intelligence surprises others.
True False

You would restrain an irrational comrad.
True False

You are easily controled by someone.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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