This quiz tests English Political Parties Liberal Democrat Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector English Political Parties by JS.
Test your knowledge of:
Liberal Democrat

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

We should sign up to the EU Constitution
True False

There should be a referendum on the EU Constitution
True False

The Euro would strengthen the UK Economy, we should join straight away
True False

We should wait until the Chancellor recommends joining the euro and then we should have a referendum
True False

A lady from former Yugoslavia arrives at Dover, she has left her country because she fears for her life. She should be allowed to settle in the UK
True False

Our current immigration rules are too lax, we should tighten them up
True False

A reform of the tax system is necessary to relieve the tax burden on lower earners
True False

Income tax is too high and should be reduced
True False

We should continue to increase funding for nurses and doctors
True False

An elderly lady needs a hip replacement and will have to wait six months to have it done on the NHS. She should be able to get 60% back on the costs of going private from the NHS so she can get it done quicker
True False

Hospitals should be given the freedom to manage their own budgets
True False

All 18 year olds, irrespective of ability to pay, should be able to go to university if they want to and they are able to
True False

Grammar schools should be reintroduced
True False

SATs are too much of a burden on primary school children
True False

The A-Level is the Gold Standard of our education system and should not be changed
True False

Many 16 year olds are tax paying citizens and therefore they should be allowed to vote
True False

ID Cards would be an effective weapon in combating benefit fraud and illegal immigrants
True False

Biometric data should be included on ID cards
True False

Devolution to English regional assemblies will ultimately lead to better government in the UK
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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