This quiz tests Are you Obsessed enough with Harry Potter? Pathedically Unobsessed... What is wrong with you? Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you Obsessed enough with Harry Potter? by weasley's wheezes812.
Test your knowledge of:
Pathedically Unobsessed... What is wrong with you?

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you find yourself humming 'Hedwig's Theme' at random moments?
True False

When you mutter a nonsens word do your less informed friends ask if it's another Harry Potter thing while rolling their eyes?
True False

Did you suddenly buy a broom and break your mum's heart when you siad it was for quidditch and you wouldn't sweep the floor with such a fine broom?
True False

Do you send your friends letters addressed to Gryffindor house?
True False

Is it true that you didn't stop talking about the absence of a few scenes in the Harry Potter movies... Ever?
True False

Do you plan on backpacking through the UK after college,not as a cultural experience, but was anexcuse to come across Hogwarts because you're convinced no muggle-reppeling charm can repel you?
True False

Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you se a Harry Potter item in the store?
True False

Do you talk to any snake you come across and tak any sign of movement as an indication that it understands you and you're a parslemouth?
True False

Did you go out and buy a quill and wirite under your sheets in the night to have a Harry Potter experience?
True False

Do you quote phrases from Harry Potter books without even realizing it sometimes?
True False

Do you carry something relating to Harry Potter with you everywhere you go?
True False

Do you constantly think about what house you'd be in and who your friends would be if youwent to Hogwarts?
True False

Do you know the color of Hermione's bathrobe from the 1st book.
True False

Do you become thoroughly depressed when you realize you're older than 11 and still haven't recieved a letter, and then make excuses for it?..."Maybe in America wizards start school at a different age..."
True False

Did you find pumpkins utterly repulsive, but now have cravings for for pumpkin juice constantly?
True False

Do you use British words in daily conversation even though you've never been to England-- Yet?
True False

Do you say you're married to or are going to be married to any Harry Potter characters?
True False

Have you convinced people to read Harry Potter books , or better said, harrassed them until they couldn't stand it anymore and shoved the book in their hand, forcing them to give in and read it?.. Of course afterwards they became almost as big a fan as you.
True False

Do your siblings or friends who have never so much as touched a Harry Potter book know the spell names, their uses, what wizards are good and bad, and how quidditch is played?
True False

Do you walk into the woods, following the spiders of course, convinced you're in the forbidden forses and you're about to come across a centaur or a werewolf?
True False

Do you think werewolves are friendly, kind, and highly intelligent?
True False

Do you see an escaped convict on the news and think he must be innocent and could quite possibly be your godfather?
True False

Do you look into mirrors and become disappointed if you don't see your "heart's desire"?
True False

When you come across an archway do you become afraid of walking through it, even if it is not veiled and then proceed to scream, "Sirius, Sirius, are you there?"?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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