This quiz tests Phlegm Religion Finder Atheist/Agnostic/Non religious Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Phlegm Religion Finder by Phlegm1000.
Test your knowledge of:
Atheist/Agnostic/Non religious

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

All of us are born with original sin, and are destined to go to hell unless we find the true path/religion.
True False

There is a God/Supreme Being who controls the universe.
True False

Jesus Christ, son of God, and became the sacrifice for all mankind’s sins, and rose from the dead.
True False

Jesus was a virtuous person who revealed a proper/holy way to live your life.
True False

God made the earth in 7 days.
True False

Over 1,200 years ago, ancient Christians lived in North America. Half of them were killed and the rest became the Indians.
True False

There is a Heaven (place with God) and Hell (place of eternal torture with Satan beating you)
True False

God is one being with no incarnations, just prophets
True False

Mohammad was a very special man who had the word of God spoken to him
True False

Buddha revealed the correct path to perfect life.
True False

There's just something sacred about Cows.
True False

There’s more than one God
True False

The Ten Commandments are the path to salvation, not Jesus
True False

Jesus was a good man and nice; there's nothing holy about him.
True False

God created the universe with a natural way of life for us to live by, as revealed by Christ.
True False

Meditation is really important to finding the ideal life.
True False

We are reincarnated into other men, animals, and plants.
True False

After we die, there’s nothing
True False

The most pure enter Heaven, the sinful go to Hell, and many enter Purgatory to work off our sins to reach Heaven.
True False

After death, souls either become one with God or a separate from him, depending on how they lived their life.
True False

You must follow specific rights and practices to enter Heaven with God.
True False

Living in accordance to natural law will assure a pleasant afterlife.
True False

Eat Drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die. Sins arbitrary.
True False

If you meditate hard enough, you’ll go to a Nirvana state after death.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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