This quiz tests What are your spiritual gifts? (Ephesians) The gift of 'building up' Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What are your spiritual gifts? by Peter Lounsbury.
Test your knowledge of:
(Ephesians) The gift of 'building up'

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you receive insight into scripture that 'comes to you' without research, reading, hearing it before or prior knowledge of subject matter?
True False

Do you receive an answers to questions that 'comes to you' without research, reading, hearing it before or prior knowledge of subject matter?
True False

Do you receive a confidence and an inner assurance that something is going to turn out according to the will of God despite appearances or evidence that points to an outcome that would make it very unlikely?
True False

Do you lay hands on the sick and as a result, they are miraculously healed of an infirmity or affliction?
True False

Do things seem to happen around you when you pray with or for someone and their specific needs and concerns, under rather ‘other-than-normal’ circumstances?
True False

Do you receive dreams, visions, or answers as a result of spiritual communion with God in pray or in a prayerful state of mind?
True False

Can you tell when a person or happenstance has it’s roots in the Kingdom of God, or are counterfeit miracles being sent and performed by demonic forces and spirits?
True False

Do you speak in a language that you have never learned after the laying on of hands by elders in your church or congregation?
True False

When a person speaks in an unintelligible or unknown tongue, is the meaning of those words suddenly and powerfully made known to you to the glory of God?
True False

Do you receive visions regarding the affairs of nations, world leaders and peoples throughout the world?
True False

Do you serve the Lord in a capacity that is beyond your ability, talents, knowledge or capabilities?
True False

Do resources and people come to you to the fulfill the specific (prayed for) needs of your church, other churches or people in need, and the resources for those needs come into place at the right and appointed times and places?
True False

Do you have an effect on people and churches that bring about growth in a way and to a degree that is beyond your capabilities and talents, or that you have been taught or know?
True False

Are you mature (possessing knowledge, temperance and experience) well beyond that level as a Christian of where you are in number of years and having been taught such by others?
True False

Do you have a heart for service to others and to your church?
True False

Do you posses the ability to teach with authority, maturity and a strong conviction as a disciple of Jesus Christ?
True False

Do you see the good in all things and people despite even their own negative thoughts and views about difficult or seemingly impossible circumstances?
True False

Are you blessed with the ability to give to people and your church in ways that always seem to be enough to meet the needs presented to you and at the right time and place?
True False

Despite how you feel about ‘taking charge’, are you a leader that speaks boldly and leads others to worship and know God and His son Jesus Christ?
True False

When others see the dirt and filth of sin in a person, do see the need for Jesus in their lives and have mercy and compassion on them despite all appearances and what others think, say and do?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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