This quiz tests Which Scottish Political Party? Conservative Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Scottish Political Party? by marco.
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Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

There should be a higher level top rate of income tax - perhaps 50% for those earning over £100,000
True False

Expanding the use of nuclear power is an inadvisable route to take.
True False

It is acceptable for students to pay some kind of tuition fee after they graduate and are earning at least £15,000
True False

Patients should be allowed to choose whether they want NHS treatment, or the equivalent cost to be put towards private healthcare, with their own means making up the difference.
True False

Proportional representation should exist at all levels of government.
True False

The railways should be renationalised.
True False

The Scottish Parliament should be given responsibility for raising the money it spends, as well as deciding how it will be spent.
True False

Cannabis should be legalised.
True False

Youth crime is a serious problem that needs to be tackled by stronger policing.
True False

Private schools should have to prove they are of "public benefit" to earn charitable status.
True False

Open-air trials of genetically modified crops should not be taking place.
True False

Every person should be guaranteed a basic, livable income, regardless of whether or not they are in work.
True False

Private sector involvement in public governance brings useful expertise and should be widened wherever possible.
True False

The government should be seeking to reduce the amount of tax it charges the population.
True False

The problems of health, the education and economy are generally well in hand.
True False

Scotland should be an independent country.
True False

The monarchy is an outdated concept and should be abolished.
True False

Membership of the EU has been of great benefit, and at least our current level of involvement should be continued.
True False

Businesses in Scotland are taxed too heavily.
True False

The criminal justice system is currently too lenient on a great many types of criminal.
True False

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