This quiz tests Wich Metroid Boss are you? Ridley Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Wich Metroid Boss are you? by Sk2k52.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You are all powerful, anyone who opposes you will be smited swiftly.
True False

You perfer to stay out of fights, no need to get involved with what dont concern you, right?
True False

Strength is all that matters, right?
True False

Speed is all that Mattters, right?
True False

Its not strength or speed that determines the battle, its the smarts.
True False

Its not just being strong, smart or fast that wins it, but the combination of them all.
True False

In the end, good will always win, atleast when it counts.
True False

You perfer taking walks and getting fresh air rather then staying cooped up in a room alone.
True False

Some day, the universe shall bow before you.
True False

You perfer the heat of battle rather then watching from the safe sidelines.
True False

Stealth is key.
True False

Fire is better then ice.
True False

Fighting from a distance is only for wusses, right?
True False

Its the offense that decides the battle, not the defense.
True False

Maintaining a healthy balance is smarter then focusing on one or the other.
True False

If you were fighting a losing battle, its best to run rather then continuing the battle.
True False

Console games are always better then PC games, atleast most the time.
True False

Theres a thin line that seperates good from evil.
True False

All because what a person is doing seems evil to you, the person that does it sees it evil aswell.
True False

The difference between Sanity and Insanity is only decided by the masses.
True False

Who needs help? You can handle yourself.?
True False

Let my Minions take care of my enemy while i wait in my room well protected.
True False

If needed be, I'd fight, but not untill all my minions have failed me.
True False

Pepsi is always better then coke, right?
True False

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