This quiz tests Are you a liberal or a tyranny-lover? Revolutionary Reactionary/Monarchist Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you a liberal or a tyranny-lover? by Richard Loftus.
Test your knowledge of:
Revolutionary Reactionary/Monarchist

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you support your country no matter what it is doing?
True False

Do you feel that freedom should be balanced with safety concerns?
True False

Do nations have the right to go to war to serve their own interests?
True False

Is it possible to safely limit liberty?
True False

Is it ok to suspend liberties when emergencies occur?
True False

Should morality ever be legislated?
True False

Are drugs a threat to society (yes) or just to individuals (no)?
True False

Is it possible to love one's country but to speak out against actions you feel are wrong?
True False

War for economic gain is ok or even good.
True False

We should do whatever it takes to ensure our safety in light of new threats.
True False

The government should be limited in its powers to intrude upon private life.
True False

I will follow our leader to the death if need be.
True False

Everyone should take what they need and give what they can.
True False

The government knows what is best for me.
True False

I believe that the moral fiber of the nation can only be saved through religious channels.
True False

Criminals deserve the death penalty not because they are still a threat to society, but because they dared to challenge our perfect laws (punishment).
True False

Marijuana is dangerous beyond just the negative effects of smoke inhalation.
True False

Prostitution and gambling are horrible and threaten our nation's greatness.
True False

Minimum wage laws cause unemployment and they should be done away with (for any other reason too).
True False

It is possible, without government help, to pull yourself up by the bootstraps (assuming the government is not already favoring others).
True False

International systems serve our countries interests or we should not be in them.
True False

Progressive taxes are a good thing.
True False

Sweat shops are ok because I can save a few bucks on products I like.
True False

The threat to the environment is overrated/nonexistent, and our nation needs progress in any case, so who cares if it isn't?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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