This quiz tests Should you move to Québec? NO, by your political and social philosophies it is clear that you don’t belong here. There might be some things you are not willing to accept or concessions you’re not willing to make. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t visit us! Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Should you move to Québec? by Xavier R. Dubé.
Test your knowledge of:
NO, by your political and social philosophies it is clear that you don’t belong here. There might be some things you are not willing to accept or concessions you’re not willing to make. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t visit us!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you like warm and humid weather in the summer?
True False

Do you like very cold weather and snow in the winter?
True False

Do you like snow AT ALL?
True False

Would you NOT mind paying the highest taxes in North America, but getting a lot of services in return?
True False

Would you like to be covered by free national healthcare?
True False

Would you like your children (if any) to be taught by the best education system in North America?
True False

Would you like having to pay a fraction of what you would have to pay in the U.S. to attend superior studies? (College or CÉGEP, University)
True False

Would you dislike the government to do the promotion of religion?
True False

Would you like living in a society where the government gives a lot of freedom to its people?
True False

Would you like to live in a place where a civil union between two homosexual counterparts is legally recognized by the State?
True False

Do you DISAGREE with the following statement: "Immigration is an important source of problems in a country"?
True False

Do you DISAGREE with the following statement: "It is solely the father’s job to take decisions in a family." ?
True False

Would you like living in the MOST postmodern and progressive region in North America? (the Texarkana and Deep South regions of the U.S. being the LEAST postmodern and progressive in comparison)
True False

Would you NOT mind using the metric system? (if you don’t already use it)
True False

Would you NOT mind having to use the Canadian dollar as your currency, with all this implies?
True False

Would you NOT mind hearing the French language everywhere you go?
True False

Would you NOT mind the continuing referendums on Québec independence?
True False

Would you NOT mind Québec independence? (this is only asked because it might happen. I’m not going to judge if you should move here or not by your political views on Québec)
True False

Would you like to live in a rather socialist-minded society?
True False

Would you be ready to learn French, if it allows you to live more thoroughly your new life in Québec? (82% of the population speaks it)
True False

Would you like to live closer to (or in) Montréal, a very cosmopolitan city of 3 million inhabitants?
True False

Would you like to live closer to (or in) Québec City, the only still fortified city in all of North America?
True False

Would you like seeing a lot of economy cars on the road (and not much gas guzzlers) like the Toyota Echo, Mazda Protegé, Ford Focus, Chevrolet Cavalier and the like?
True False

Would you like to pay an EXTREMELY cheap price for electricity, but a HIGH price for gas?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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