This quiz tests Slavonic (Slavic) Spirit Selector Dvorovoi - spirit of the yard, you have a bad temper and you are afraid of pitchforks being stuck into the yard fence Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Slavonic (Slavic) Spirit Selector by Sara Elwright.
Test your knowledge of:
Dvorovoi - spirit of the yard, you have a bad temper and you are afraid of pitchforks being stuck into the yard fence

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you male (y) or female (n)?
True False

Do you look fairly human (y) or like a domestic animal (n)?
True False

Do you live under the stove (y) or in the cellar (n)?
True False

Do you detest all animals with white fur?
True False

Do sheep's wool and glittering objects appease you?
True False

Are you afraid of the bodies of dead magpies?
True False

Do you invite devils to visit you?
True False

Do you pour boiling water on people who have made you angry?
True False

Do you look like a large black cat?
True False

Do you sometimes set the barn on fire?
True False

Do you look after the poultry?
True False

Do you like fern tea?
True False

Your blood is blue, so you look blue...
True False

Do you lead travelers astray?
True False

Do you have family instincts?
True False

Do you mercilessly pull people's hair?
True False

Do you lure children into the fields and lose them?
True False

Do you inhabit lakes, pools, streams, and rivers?
True False

Do the phases of the moon determine how young or old you become?
True False

Did you drown as a maiden?
True False

Do you retain your maidenly charm?
True False

Or are you now angry and ugly?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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