This quiz tests Conservative Selector Neo-Conservative (includes Hamilton, Clay, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, McCain) Advocates a powerful but limited central goverment to enforce conservative principles, has a more liberal view of the constitution. Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Conservative Selector by someone.
Test your knowledge of:
Neo-Conservative (includes Hamilton, Clay, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, McCain) Advocates a powerful but limited central goverment to enforce conservative principles, has a more liberal view of the constitution.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Should the war on drugs be ran by the states, if at all?
True False

Should the millitary budget be increased?
True False

In your opinion, is Social Security a ponzy scheme?
True False

Should the ownership of all federal roads be transfered to the states?
True False

Should the President have the power to commit troops in foreign wars/conflicts/police actions without Congressional consent to each operation?
True False

Should medicare be expanded to cover perscription drugs?
True False

Should the U.N. have the power to try war criminals?
True False

Are federal hate crimes laws constitutional?
True False

Is the European Union a greater threat to America than China?
True False

Should the embargo against Cuba be lifted?
True False

Should the embargo against Iran be lifted?
True False

Has the federal government ever intentional weaseled the nation into an unnecessary war to increase its own power?
True False

Was Franklin Roosevelt a better president than Gerald Ford?
True False

Was Theodore Roosevelt a better president than Grover Cleveland?
True False

Does the Bush tax cut go far enough?
True False

Are federal anti-discrimination laws unconstitutional?
True False

Is George W. Bush a conservative?
True False

Does the federal reserve preform any useful function better than the free market could?
True False

Should the U.S. have bombed Serbia for alledged atrocities in Kosovo?
True False

If Alan Keyes and John McCain were the only people in the Republican primary, would you vote for Alan Keyes?
True False

Are school vouchers from the federal government a good idea?
True False

Was Lincoln a tryant?
True False

If all of New England requested to secede from the Union, should congress grant them that request?
True False

Should the U.S. maintain far fewer troops abroad?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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