This quiz tests The OOTP Harry Potter quiz Alester "Mad-Eye" Moody; You are somewhat paranoid, and somewhat headstrong and hotheaded. You are not afraid to speak your mind, no matter what it is. Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The OOTP Harry Potter quiz by Emily.
Test your knowledge of:
Alester "Mad-Eye" Moody; You are somewhat paranoid, and somewhat headstrong and hotheaded. You are not afraid to speak your mind, no matter what it is.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you stand up for your friends?
True False

Do ou find it hard to back down from a fight?
True False

Do you have a problem with admitting something you did wrong?
True False

Can you sometimes be over protective?
True False

Can you ever be arrogant? (be honest)
True False

Do you hold long-term grudges, ageist people who indirectly (knew someone, etc.) hurt you in anyway?
True False

Is work very important to you?
True False

Does your pride keep you from apologizing, or letting something go?
True False

Do you have faith that somehow, everything always works out in the end?
True False

Do you care about what others think?
True False

When you talk, do people listen?
True False

Are you a natural born leader?
True False

Do you enjoy teaching?
True False

Are you energetic?
True False

Are you formal?
True False

Are you headstrong?
True False

Do you have a problem with speaking your mind?
True False

Do you have certain rule modals you want to be just like?
True False

Do you have a sense o humor?
True False

If you had a way to destroy the dark lord, but you;d have to sacrifice a few fellow students (who you did not know) would you do it?
True False

If you knew how to destroy the dark lord, but would have to sacrifice yourself to do it, would you?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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