This quiz tests What Type of Feminist Are You? Libertarian / Individualist feminism: Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Type of Feminist Are You? by cwj2.
Test your knowledge of:
Libertarian / Individualist feminism:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Men's sexual violence against women is at the root of most or all other forms of oppression.
True False

Prostitution should be decriminalized.
True False

... but pimping and pandering should be vigorously prosecuted
True False

Women learning forceful physical self-defense is an important part of ending violence against women.
True False

Protecting women's ability to purchase and use guns is an important part of women's self-defense.
True False

Most of the important goals of feminism have already been accomplished.
True False

First Wave feminists sabotaged women's liberation by focusing on political 'equality' within the oppressive capitalist system.
True False

Non-violent sexual harassment and off-color jokes should be protected as free speech.
True False

The exploitation of animals for food and clothing products is a feminist issue.
True False

A free market economy benefits both women and men.
True False

Violence against women isn't built into our ideals of masculinity; it's practiced by a minority of men with emotional problems.
True False

The end of male supremacy will involve the end of corporate capitalism.
True False

Pornography eroticizes subjugation and violence against women.
True False

Getting women into traditional positions of power (elected representatives, CEOs, etc.) is an important part of women's liberation
True False

Consentual bondage and sadomasochism can be part of a healthy sexual exploration.
True False

Living in all-women spaces and conscious separation from relationships with men (lesbian separatism) is a valid feminist strategy
True False

Feminism has historically been a movement of and for middle-class white women
True False

Throughout history, governments have been organized instruments for the violation of women's rights
True False

Feminists should combat the stereotype that they are unattractive, unshaved, or angry
True False

Affirmative action laws are reverse discrimination.
True False

The 'sexual revolution' is not any healthier for women than the conservative attitudes towards sex that preceded it
True False

The sexual subordination of women is a consequence of capitalist labor relations.
True False

Using make-up and other 'girly' accessories can be part of a feminist celebration of women's beauty.
True False

Abortion is murder.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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