This quiz tests The NEW Oddworld Character Finder (My old one is screwed up...) Mistara. The mistara is like a fox with beautiful blue fur and large green eyes. They are very smart, clever, and caring for others. They have a necklace for which they can do mode changes (Fire, Lightning, Water, Ice, etc...). Congrats on being a Mistara! 4'3'' tall. (My cousin made this creature.) Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The NEW Oddworld Character Finder (My old one is screwed up...) by Ann Neely.
Test your knowledge of:
Mistara. The mistara is like a fox with beautiful blue fur and large green eyes. They are very smart, clever, and caring for others. They have a necklace for which they can do mode changes (Fire, Lightning, Water, Ice, etc...). Congrats on being a Mistara! 4'3'' tall. (My cousin made this creature.)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Can you swim?
True False

Do you like to be around other people?
True False

Are you friendly?
True False

Are you afraid of the doctor, dentist, dermatologist,etc...?
True False

Are you full of solutions?
True False

Do you have a secret crush?
True False

Do you have LOTS of enimies?
True False

Are you a girl (Yes)? Or a boy (No)?
True False

Do you HATE nature?
True False

Are you lonely?
True False

Are you/ Were you good at gym class?
True False

Do you want REVENGE?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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