This quiz tests Are You An Idealist-Conservative? You are an Idealist-Conservative Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are You An Idealist-Conservative? by S. Dombrowski.
Test your knowledge of:
You are an Idealist-Conservative

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Abortion is only justifiable to save a mother's life and in cases of underage rape. It should never be used as a birth control method.
True False

Affirmative Action is always wrong because it involves race and all racial preferences should be eliminated from our society.
True False

The American tax system is too complex and confusing. Make it simpler, but keep the tax rates roughly wear they are now.
True False

Public schools should be allowed to conduct organized prayer, display religious documents, and read the bible, torah, or qu'ran because these activities are protected under the first amendment of the Bill of Rights.
True False

Welfare programs should be very limited and restricted only to very specific cases. Welfare should NEVER be given to someone simply because they are unemployed.
True False

Capital punishment should have very strict regulations on it and should be applicable only to first degree, pre-meditated murder with either DNA or video evidence of the crime.
True False

The government should promote rational legislation that looks out for business but also prevents serious damage to the Earth
True False

Is The U.S. Patriot Act is a wise policy.
True False

All people have the right to bear arms, but guns should be strictly regulated. (registration, gun safety classes, necessary locks, no handguns)
True False

Immigration should be strictly regulated, reform the INS to work effectively, and deport all illegal aliens.
True False

Vouchers, in conjunction with in-school, non-religious morality and strict monitoring of school boards to prevent corruption, should be initiated along with more input from teachers who know their students better than the government.
True False

People should be allowed to invest their social security money if they so choose and needed funds should be locked away ( without constant withdraw), in a lockbox until needed.
True False

A national healthcare system should not be initiated because it would bankrupt the country and create a system in which all people have poor quality healthcare.
True False

The government should make no law abridging the right to free speech. People should be allowed to say anything they want. Parents, ultimately, are responsible for protecting their children from unappropriate material.
True False

The U.N, as it is now, is an anti-American, outdated, and ineffective organization. Reform it so that it actually works and carries out its mission of world peace and world cooperation.
True False

War is justified (when used as a last resort) to defend a nation when attacked, to preserve a nation’s national sovereignty, and to bring liberty, peace, and safety to oppressed people throughout the world.
True False

Free trade is a positive economic policy and promotes cooperation among nations. However, the U.S. should keep in mind the effect it may have on American jobs and decide accordingly.
True False

Both Israel and Palestinians are to blame for the mid-east conflict. However, the ultimate step for peace must be taken by the Palestinians by ending the suicide bombings. They alone have the power to end the conflict.
True False

The U.S. spends about the right amount on defense. The only new money need be spent to continue a sufficient deterrence against would be aggressors and give a pay raise to our hard-working soldiers.
True False

The war on terror should be pursued until an absolute end to all terrorism. Terrorism must be destroyed in anyway possible.
True False

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