This quiz tests Which Polygon Are YOU? Decagon: Ooo, mysterious, aren't we? You keep things inside, causing an air of mystery to eminate from your very soul. For some this can serve as a weakness, but for you, oh, it's your greatest strength. The gazes you recieve from others, complete strangers, are gazes of sheer fantasy, wishing they knew more about you. What a turn on you are. Education Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Education IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Polygon Are YOU? by Adina.
Test your knowledge of:
Decagon: Ooo, mysterious, aren't we? You keep things inside, causing an air of mystery to eminate from your very soul. For some this can serve as a weakness, but for you, oh, it's your greatest strength. The gazes you recieve from others, complete strangers, are gazes of sheer fantasy, wishing they knew more about you. What a turn on you are.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I am unique
True False

I am giving
True False

I am caring
True False

I am honest
True False

I am humble
True False

I am intuitive
True False

I am spontaneous
True False

I am flirtatious
True False

I am passionate
True False

I am aggressive
True False

I am fickle
True False

I am daring
True False

I am compassionate
True False

I am frightening
True False

I am gentle
True False

I am orderly
True False

I am self-conscious
True False

I am studious
True False

I am independent
True False

I am wise
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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