This quiz tests Political Identity Selector Staunch Liberal Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Political Identity Selector by d murphy.
Test your knowledge of:
Staunch Liberal

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Abortions should be illegal, except in cases of rape, incest, or when the woman's life is in danger.
True False

Minorities should be given an advantage in hiring practices, to make up for past abuses.
True False

Homosexuals should be accepted and should have individual and marrage rights protected by the government.
True False

Organized prayer should be allowed in public schools, as long as it is not mandatory.
True False

There should be a constitutional amendment outlawing flag-burning.
True False

Everyone has the right to own a gun, as guaranteed by the 2nd amendment.
True False

The death penalty is a just punishment for the crime and should continue to be used as a form of punishment.
True False

Mandatory "Three Strikes" sentencing laws are effective and put repeat offenders where they belong.
True False

Immigration should be reduced, and our borders protected much more heavily.
True False

Illegal Drug use is immoral, and the drug war should be vigorously fought.
True False

The FCC should have the power to regulate the internet, and local communities should be allowed to ban internet pornography.
True False

Invasions of privacy and the usurping of some civil liberties is necessary to sucessfully execute the war on terrorism.
True False

The income tax should always be as low as possible, and a flat tax would simplify the tax system.
True False

Soft Money (contributions from special interests and corporations given directly to a political party,) should be banned as a means of campaign finance.
True False

Churches and private charities should provide some welfare services.
True False

Farms and businesses should operate without government subsidies.
True False

Social Security should be in part privatized.
True False

Healthcare should be provided primarily by the government.
True False

Government vouchers are needed to provide parents with an alternative to public schools.
True False

The US should become more involved overseas to protect American interests and Democractic ideals.
True False

More federal money should be spend to protect the environment and develop alternative energy resources.
True False

Free trade shold be encouraged further, and more trade pacts should be signed.
True False

Trade with China should be restricted because of their human rights violations.
True False

Racial profiling is a logical way to separate out and perform a thorough security search for potential terror suspects.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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