This quiz tests Organize Your Government Corperate Dominated Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Organize Your Government by Brian.
Test your knowledge of:
Corperate Dominated

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you support capitalism (yes) socialism (no) or no prefrence/mix?
True False

Do you believe in a strong centralized government, or a weak one where the power is spread?
True False

Should people have first amendment rights (expression, religion, etc.) regardless of the situation or should the government be able to take away liberties if the situation merits it?
True False

One's value is better determined by accomplishments or effort?
True False

If your family was starving and you saw an unguarded loaf of bread at the bakery would you take it?
True False

Given the choice, would you give yourself absolute power (yes) or share it equally among all (no)?
True False

Is it better to make your own decisions (yes) or for someone else to make the best decision for you (no)?
True False

Do those that earn the most money deserve it more than those that make the least?
True False

Does faith play a large role in your life?
True False

Should the government exist?
True False

Do you have a tendancy to trust that everything should work out?
True False

Would you die before facing dishonor?
True False

What is more important life (yes) or liberty (no)?
True False

Would you charge into battle with a million to one odds against you to destroy all evil?
True False

Can you ever accept a violent death as justfied?
True False

Should a government look in its oen best intrest or the peoples'?
True False

Are all people created equal?
True False

Are all people always equal?
True False

Is equality limited to everybody having the same oppertunites?
True False

Is the judgement of noble more important than the judgement of a peasant?
True False

What is more important: God's Will (yes) or the Peoples' Rule (No)?
True False

Is persuit of knowledge an ultimate goal?
True False

What is more important: Reality (yes) or Perception (no)
True False

Can the end ever justify the means?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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