This quiz tests Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot or Prongs? Remus Lupin (Moony) - So what if the world doesn't understand you, your friends do! You are intelligent, kind and mild, at least until the moon is full. A dedicated mentor and friend, you are appreciated by those who matter. Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot or Prongs? by Lucyfur Blue.
Test your knowledge of:
Remus Lupin (Moony) - So what if the world doesn't understand you, your friends do! You are intelligent, kind and mild, at least until the moon is full. A dedicated mentor and friend, you are appreciated by those who matter.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Everyone says you're a born leader, and your friends seem to agree.
True False

Although you are a good student, sometimes you prefer to have fun and cut loose.
True False

You've always felt like you fit in.
True False

Having supportive friends means more to you then anything.
True False

Maybe it's naive - but you've always trusted your friends.
True False

To be honest, you've never felt too sure of yourself.
True False

Are you really bad (yes) or are you just drawn that way (no)?
True False

Nothing like a stay in Azkaban to help you clear your thoughts.
True False

Sometimes when you look back, you have a lot of regrets.
True False

Not to brag or anything, but you know you're impressive on the Quidditch field.
True False

Without your best friend, you would probably die.
True False

Now that you've grown up, you're willing to let bygones be bygones.
True False

Pranks and jokes are just too much fun to pass up!
True False

You would consider yourself more of a follower then a leader.
True False

Wealth never mattered too much to you, and maybe that's because you're well to do.
True False

There is nothing you would not do for your friends.
True False

Well, you're not against being a backstabber if it will help you in the end.
True False

Murder? No, that's not out of the question. You'll do what you have to do.
True False

If you want something, no one can stop you.
True False

At least you have know true love.
True False

Tranfiguration is your favorite class.
True False

Defense Against the Dark Arts? Why not Dark Arts??!
True False

When they talk about you, people have only good things to say.
True False

Temper, temper! Sometimes you just go a little wild.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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