This quiz tests =][=nquisitor Factions Monodominant Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector =][=nquisitor Factions by Shadowspite.
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Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You support the continued stability of the Imperium, above all else.
True False

Trafficking with Chaos in all its forms is an abomination.
True False

You aim for the continued survival of the human species, even if that means allying with aliens or using sorcery.
True False

The Imperium is largely mired in corruption. It must be purged of the taint.
True False

The Emperor must not be left shackled to the Golden Throne forever. Mankind will one day need him to lead them in person once again.
True False

Although the Horus Heresy was a catastrophe in many respects, it did help to strengthen humanity.
True False

Sometimes, the only way to root out evil is to descend into the depths oneself.
True False

Fighting monsters is not an excuse to become monstrous oneself.
True False

It is humanity's destiny to complete the transition to being a fully psychic species.
True False

While the eldar may be arrogant and distrustful of humanity, they are more often our allies than our enemies.
True False

Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger.
True False

Strength through unity.
True False

The Ecclesiarchy is little more than a cabal of raving, intolerant fanatics. Humanity does not benefit from their irrational zealotry.
True False

The Adeptus Mechanicus are right to keep some secrets, even from the Inquisition.
True False

The weak deserve to die so that humanity may become stronger.
True False

You believe that some humans are chosen or blessed above others by the Emperor, and that this favour is not always recognised by others, leading to unjust persecution of individuals who are in truth faithful servants of the Emperor's Will.
True False

Ultimately, the only way to safeguard the survival of the Imperium (and therefore humanity) is to destroy all threats, real or suspected, extant or potential. Every sentient alien species must be erradicated. Every human with any hint of Chaos-taint must be slain without mercy.
True False

Internal schism is the greatest threat to the Imperium. The enemy within is far more deadly than the enemy without.
True False

It is best, wherever possible, to work within the existing framework of the Imperium rather than to operate outside the law.
True False

Daemonhosts, forbidden books and Chaos cults are sometimes a useful tool. An Inquisitor should not balk at using such methods as long as they further the cause of humanity.
True False

What does not change, dies.
True False

Many people only achieve their full potential when pushed by dire circumstances.
True False

An Inquisitor is still a servant of humanity. Pride is often the first step on the road to damnation.
True False

The lives of individual humans are of absolutely no consequence. The magnitude of the threat of Chaos justifies any act, no matter how horrific, in the defense of humanity as a whole.
True False

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