This quiz tests are you a ninja? i've eaten sushi that was more ninja than you Martial Arts Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Martial Arts IQ Quiz is based upon the selector are you a ninja? by the noize in your head.
Test your knowledge of:
i've eaten sushi that was more ninja than you

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

have u ever destroyed an entire race of people?
True False

do u stay at home and play videogames all day?
True False

do u fight crime?
True False

do u have a katana?
True False

do u know what a katana is?
True False

can u disapear whenever you want?
True False

do u dash through the night with speed of a panther?
True False

do u shop at abercrombie?
True False

do u shop at hot topic?
True False

do u believe nothing matters but victory?
True False

do u own the ninja turtles movies?
True False

do u own lots of jet li movies?
True False

do u memerize bruce li quotes?
True False

do u believe ninjas do IT better?
True False

can u bendin ways other people cant?
True False

can u minipulate people to do whatever you want?
True False

can u fight the whole nation of isreal with your bare hands?
True False

can u fly?
True False

can u have long fights and never get sweaty or tired?
True False

have u trained on foggy mountain tops for years at a time?
True False

do u slip through windows unnoticed and steal weapons of mass destruction?
True False

do you look good in black?
True False

can you defy the laws of physics?
True False

do u kill people in your head?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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