This quiz tests I was bored. I was sick. And I am a dork with no life. Justice "Dawn" Sukeo : bassist ; Phoenyx Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector I was bored. I was sick. And I am a dork with no life. by Weenis.
Test your knowledge of:
Justice "Dawn" Sukeo : bassist ; Phoenyx

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you the real rockstar type: love parties, going crazy and just having fun?
True False

Are you kind know. STUPID?
True False

Do you freak over minor details?
True False

Is sleep to be worshipped (yes), or do you fight it until you collapse (no)?
True False

Are you generous and supportive?
True False

A person nearby trips. Do you help them up?
True False

Do you have a quick temper?
True False

Oh, well then, you're just gonna go and keep all your secrets to yourself, aren't you?
True False

Are you a very quiet person?
True False

Do you have lots of friends?
True False

Are you an optimist?
True False

Are you at all religious or spiritual?
True False

Is family important to you?
True False

Are most of your friends your polar opposite?
True False

You find a wallet on the street. Do you take the money?
True False

Have you ever cried over a movie?
True False

Your parents put new restrictions on you. Do you begin to loathe them, and then grow rebellious and hateful?
True False

Do you have split personalities?
True False

Are you a slacker and/or lazy bum?
True False

Do you HAVE to be *THE* best?
True False

One of your friends gets the guy/girl you've been wanting. Are you okay with that?
True False

Your teacher gives you a bad grade when you didn't deserve it. Do you proceed to curse them off, then chase them with the stapler?
True False

Your friend blurts to your crush that you like them. Do you blush and get embarrassed?
True False

Do friends often go to you seeking your advice (yes), or do you seek their advice (no)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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