This quiz tests Lord of the Rings Races Lorien Elf Lord of the Rings Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Lord of the Rings IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Lord of the Rings Races by etchasketch.
Test your knowledge of:
Lorien Elf

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you an enviromentalist?
True False

Do you like long walks in the woods?
True False

Do you look down (yes) or up (no) on people?
True False

Would you be described as fair (yes) or dark (no)?
True False

Do you like homely places?
True False

Do you like precious stones?
True False

Do you take things from the earth (yes) or give things (no)?
True False

Are you a party animal?
True False

Do you have blue eyes (NOT GREEN)?
True False

Do you like to watch and/or preform magic tricks?
True False

Do people seek you for advice?
True False

Do you have brown eyes?
True False

Do people consider you elegant?
True False

Do you desire power or wealth?
True False

Are you (or could you be) controlled by something or someone?
True False

Do people consider you ugly?
True False

Are you a generally slooooooooooow speeeeeeeaker?
True False

Are you an elite warrior/soldier?
True False

Are you a fan of the night-life?
True False

Do you have a possesion that is near and dear to your heart?
True False

Do you have a raspy voice?
True False

Do you ride horses?
True False

Do you fight with a sword (yes) or bow and arrow (no)?
True False

Do you like to be surrounded by family?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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