This quiz tests Which Skies of Arcadia Captain/Admiral are you? Vigoro Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Skies of Arcadia Captain/Admiral are you? by Shizuka Katsuya.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you sail for fun/adventure (yes) or for power/you are ordered to (no)?
True False

Would you rather pitch in and help with work (yes) or make other people do it for you (no?)
True False

Break time! Do you make a stop at the water fountain (yes) or the coffee machine (no)?
True False

Argh! That stupid Galcian/Vyse just got in the way of your plans! Do you: regroup and come up with a strategy (yes), or rush in and blow everything up (no)!?
True False

Your favorite kind of strategy would be to: exploit your opponent's weaknesses (yes), or plot for endless hours with your partner in crime (no)?
True False

Uh-oh. Your ship got set on fire. Do you: panic/enjoy it (yes) or quickly order you crew/soldiers to put it out (no)?
True False

Do you find some twisted joy in watching people suffer?
True False

Do you tend to look to other people for advice and guidance?
True False

Are you independent?
True False

Ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?
True False

Young men full of energy can be such a pain, huh?
True False

Would you rather be in control of what's going on (yes), or just sit back and let things go (no)?
True False

Are you often feeling misunderstood?
True False

Do you have a certain mission in life?
True False

Don't you just hate Loopers?
True False

Have you betrayed anyone?
True False

Do you feel like you really deserve your position as a Captain or Admiral?
True False

Are you in loooove?
True False

Do you have a tragic past?
True False

Are you robust and a handsome (or so you think, possibly) ladies' man?
True False

Do you often feel like people should just get the hell out of the way?
True False

Are you quick to anger?
True False

Mmmm. Loqua. Wanna sship o' it, buddah?
True False

Congratulations! You just saved/destroyed the world! Where will you go now: someplace exotic/secluded (yes), or a familiar and more comfortable place (no)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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