This quiz tests What is your Enneagram type? The Individualist (TYPE FOUR) - Famous examples include Bob Dylan, Prince, and Vincent van Gogh. This type is most concerned with identity and uniqueness, trying to establish a sense of self that can be believed in. The behaviors of this type range from emotionally balanced, creative, and a deep understanding of what it is to be human to depressive, self-conscious, and decadent. Philosophy Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Philosophy IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What is your Enneagram type? by Chad Hoolihan. Test your knowledge of: The Individualist (TYPE FOUR) - Famous examples include Bob Dylan, Prince, and Vincent van Gogh. This type is most concerned with identity and uniqueness, trying to establish a sense of self that can be believed in. The behaviors of this type range from emotionally balanced, creative, and a deep understanding of what it is to be human to depressive, self-conscious, and decadent.
Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.