This quiz tests What is your Enneagram type? The Achiever (TYPE THREE) - Famous examples include Bill Clinton, Madonna, and Oprah Winfrey. This type is most concerned with accomplishment and status, working to cultivate a model image for others to appreciate. The behaviors of this type range from self-assured, inspiring, and well-adjusted to shallow, deceitful, and narcissistic Philosophy Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Philosophy IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What is your Enneagram type? by Chad Hoolihan.
Test your knowledge of:
The Achiever (TYPE THREE) - Famous examples include Bill Clinton, Madonna, and Oprah Winfrey. This type is most concerned with accomplishment and status, working to cultivate a model image for others to appreciate. The behaviors of this type range from self-assured, inspiring, and well-adjusted to shallow, deceitful, and narcissistic

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I often daydream, fantasize, or spend my time intellectualizing.
True False

I actively pursue what I want and I expect those around me to go along with it.
True False

I believe that I must always do what is right and be of service to those around me.
True False

I act logically and do not allow my feelings to affect my decisions.
True False

I do not like to admit that I have problems. Instead I focus on the problems of others, avoid my problems, or deny the existence of my problems altogether.
True False

I have trouble trusting others and seeking their support because I don't want to lose my independence. However, at the same time I want to be nurtured and given direction.
True False

I know what I want from the world, and I don't want others trying to control me or getting in my way. Sometimes this causes me to take advantage of others or use intimidation to get what I want.
True False

I believe that I must improve the world around me and make a positive difference. Sometimes this causes me to be judgemental and critical of those who don't follow my standards.
True False

I am always on the look out for stimulating and exciting new experiences. Sometimes this causes me to act flighty and superficially.
True False

I want to have a close relationship with others and feel wanted. Sometimes this causes me to become needy and possessive, and try too hard to acquire the affections of others.
True False

I want others to view me as successful, attractive, and admirable. Sometimes this causes me to be competitive and overly concerned with my image.
True False

I want to have a harmonious relationship with myself and others. Sometimes this causes me to go along with what others want so I can avoid conflict.
True False

I spend a great deal of time analyzing and studying what I'm interested in so I can master it. Sometimes this causes me to get lost in abstractions and speculation instead of using my knowledge practically.
True False

I often use my imagination to get in touch with my inner-self. Sometimes this causes me to create an identity for myself that is not who I really am, but someone that I believe I want to be.
True False

I find myself looking to other people, organizations or belief systems for guidance in order to understand how to become self-reliant. Sometimes this causes me to become more dependent on outside sources and less certain of my own decisions.
True False

I am sensitive, self-expressive, and true to myself. However, I can feel like an outsider that is too "special" or "different" for others to understand.
True False

I am discerning, rational, and principled. However, I can be condescending to others if I believe they aren't doing what they're supposed to.
True False

I am caring, generous, and attentive. However, I can devote too much attention to the needs of others and neglect my own needs.
True False

I am observant, insightful, and cerebral. However, I can be reclusive and horde my time from others instead of getting involved with the world.
True False

I am dependable, cooperative, and loyal. However, I can become rebellious, skeptical, and paranoid if I believe that others are no longer trustworthy.
True False

I am energetic, enthusiastic, and versatile. However, I can become scattered by jumping into too many projects at once.
True False

I am empowering, strong, and entrepreneurial. However, I can be egotistical and try to extend my influence over everything and everyone.
True False

I am accepting, whimsical, and supportive. However, I can let myself fade into the background by not asserting myself enough.
True False

I am ambitious, charismatic, and efficient. However, I can get caught up in trying to impress others by becoming what they want me to be instead of following my own feelings.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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