This quiz tests Otherkin Type Selector Angel Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Otherkin Type Selector by Pailey.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you get cravings for fatty foods such as butter, cream, red meat, or sugary things? I mean, do you feel as if you feel they are a nesscisary part of every day life?
True False

Do you ever watch a flame for a long, long time as if you were in a trance?
True False

Are you always, or usually light hearted, happy, peaceful and blissful? (In other words enlightened)
True False

Do you have an extreme passion for beautiful music that makes you feel in a dream? (NOT rap or countrey, or any "Top 10" stuff)
True False

Were you born with an inner knowledge that you are much older and wiser than your biological age?
True False

Do you feel ancient, yet very young at the same time? (I mean serious, yet very playful)
True False

Do you have a hard time fitting into society?
True False

Do people ever come to you for comfort?
True False

Do you get very dreamy and feel a longing when you see a natural sorce of water?
True False

Do you constantly have dreams at night that you are floating or flying?
True False

Do you enjoy seeing other people suffer or fight?
True False

Are you agressive, and/or do you enjoy fighting or watching others fight?
True False

Are you an artist? (what I mean by that is at age 9-12 were you already as god as most adults)
True False

Is your brain more advanced than the average person? What I mean is, do you think with highly logical and mathimatical skills that you feel nobody can understand?
True False

Do you have an irrily beautiful singing voice, that could send chills up one's spine?
True False

Do you like popular music like pop or rap?
True False

Would you much rather be in a forest that a city any day?
True False

Do you have a high intolerance for stupidity?
True False

Are cats atracted to you?
True False

Do you have the ability to charm people with your eyes, in a way that would make them very uncomfortable?
True False

Are you masculin in nature?
True False

Are you feminine in nature?
True False

Do you like to be in groups and/or do you get lonely easily?
True False

Are dogs atraced to you ?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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