This quiz tests Are you smart of dumb? You are a person of true character that fights for what is right against the tide of Satanists around you Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you smart of dumb? by Jacob Shelly.
Test your knowledge of:
You are a person of true character that fights for what is right against the tide of Satanists around you

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Israel's oppression of Palestinians is acceptable; bulldozing innocent Palestinian home is ok
True False

The death penalty, despite its immorality and ineffectiveness, is ok
True False

Raising military spending to outrageous amounts that cut from more important services (i.e. education) and fosters strong Anti-American hatred is ok
True False

Even though guns kill thousands of people every day in America, gun control laws that would keep guns away from felons and small children are not ok
True False

Giving unreasonable tax cuts to the wealthy and huge corporations, which hurts the economy and lower class people, is ok because they donate more to Republicans
True False

Not hiring people because of their skin color or personal choices unrelated to their work is ok
True False

Using violence to further Americas world domination while destroying the lives of millions is ok
True False

George Bush's stealing of the election in 2000 by manipulation votes and barring minorities from voting is ok
True False

Thousands of children dying everyday from malnutrition is ok and we shouldn't do anything about it
True False

Drug companies that want to raise drug prices to unreasonable amounts to get rich while seniors die because lower cost prescription drugs are barred are ok
True False

Annihilating Iraqi citizens, despite their threat to us, is ok since they have oil which we like
True False

Its ok to discriminate against homosexuals because they are different than us and that is scary to some people
True False

It doesn't matter that the KKK and other extremist hate groups support Republicans because hate groups kill people that are different to me
True False

US bombers aren't cowards even though they fly thousands of feet above the ground where they are immune to danger while "accidently" dropping bombs on innocent civilians and Red Cross centers
True False

Republicans are ok even though they are bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic, sleazy, principal-compromising, dirty, might-makes-right, holier-than-though blowhards
True False

The environment is important because it keeps us alive and fosters God's creation. It is meant for us to use, and hunting for food are cutting trees is ok, but more needs to be done to save our world
True False

I kinda like Republicans and I kinda like Democrats
True False

Ralph Nader is a true hero who fights for average Americans and doesn't sell out to special interests
True False

There's a lot of issues that I don't have strong oppinions on
True False

Bush has done about the same amount of good and bad
True False

Americans are better than everyone else on this world/ American casualties are more serious than third-world scum
True False

It's not ok to always want more (money, wealth, cars, houses, promotions, etc.)
True False

This world is fine the way it is
True False

America should stay the only dominant country in the world
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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