This quiz tests Which Dungeons and Dragons player class are you? Rogue Dungeons & Dragons Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Dungeons & Dragons IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Dungeons and Dragons player class are you? by PierreTheMime.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you prefer to wield a weapon (yes) or the ancient arts of magic (no)?
True False

Do you seek to meet your enemy in the midst of battle (yes), or do you pick off your opponent from afar (no)?
True False

Do you find yourself charging into battles ahead of your allies?
True False

Do you have qualms about slaying every enemy you come across?
True False

Do you choose powerful blows over finesse and style?
True False

Is riches and fame a higher priority than honor and battle?
True False

Do you wish to avoid confrontation if possible?
True False

Do you dislike technologies?
True False

Although combat is thrilling, do you seek other sources of entertainment, such as interacting with townsfolk?
True False

Are you a highly religious person?
True False

If you cast magic, would you approach it scientifically more than believing in your own power?
True False

Do you dislike large crowds and cities?
True False

Are you in an adventuring party for profit more than experience?
True False

Do you want to dabble in both magics and mundane weapons at once?
True False

Do you prefer to trust your own strengths rather than magics or gods?
True False

Would you aid a dying trooper from an opposing army?
True False

Do you seek justice for any wrongdoings?
True False

Do you sneak ahead for advanced knowledge of the oncoming area?
True False

Would you prefer a +3 Great Sword over a +4 Tower Shield?
True False

Would you prefer a scroll of Fireball over a Potion of Healing (+2d8+2)?
True False

Would you rather see an evil person slain over having them locked away for their crimes?
True False

Are trinkets and personal effects a priority (stylish clothing, markings, instruments, etc.)?
True False

Would you inflict mortal wounds on yourself to ensure your groups victory?
True False

Do you trust your allies at all times?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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