This quiz tests Which Kirby FAN character are you? Eidolon / Avalon (AMK) Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Kirby FAN character are you? by kittykittykitty.
Test your knowledge of:
Eidolon / Avalon (AMK)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you an Introvert (yes) or an Extrovert (no)
True False

Do you ever start conversations with strangers?
True False

What's more important to you? The Future (Yes) or past (No)
True False

Gold (yes) or companionship (no). Pick your poison.
True False

If you did something wrong, would you cover it up (Yes), or fess up?
True False

The love of your life is dying. And so is their father/mother (whoevers closer). Who would they save? (only one can live. the other will die) Parents/(yes) Love/(no)
True False

Easily overwhelmed?
True False

The most beautiful music ever made is the one life plays itself. Agreed?
True False

Is it a good thing when the day is done?
True False

Is the glass half empty (yes) or half full (no)
True False

Are you considered random?
True False

Are you forgetful?
True False

Do things easily confuse you?
True False

Life is prescious, isn't it?
True False

Do you cling to one thing, and not easily let go?
True False

Are you frail?
True False

Do you find goals to be useless?
True False

Are you clumsy(Yes) or graceful (no)?
True False

Do you have a strong will?
True False

Do you consider having a significant other/mate of upmost importance?
True False

Do you give up easily?
True False

Do you frequently have your head in the clouds?
True False

Do people say you're intelligent?
True False

Is honesty a virtue?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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