This quiz tests Sopranos character selector Gloria Atrillo Television Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Television IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Sopranos character selector by Jessie Brewer and Scullysboy.
Test your knowledge of:
Gloria Atrillo

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you have anger management issues?
True False

Is financial security the most important thing in your life?
True False

Do you nag your spouse and family and meddle in their affairs?
True False

Are you easily bored?
True False

Do you like to over-analyze things?
True False

Are drugs more appealing to you than your significant other?
True False

Do you find yourself drawn towards forbidden fruit?
True False

Would you cheat on your diet by sneaking candy bars?
True False

Would you use your “connections” to get your kid into an Ivy League School?
True False

Were you raised as a prince or princess but prefer working with the poor?
True False

Would you use your significant other's children to manipulate him or her?
True False

Do you get panic attacks?
True False

Does dismemberment seem like a good problem solving technique to you?
True False

Do you get legal information by watching crime shows on TV?
True False

Do you feel passed over or treated second class by other members of your family?
True False

Do you find Columbus Day protests bothersome?
True False

Are you devoted to your mother?
True False

Do you like to over eat?
True False

Does self-gain take precedence over the welfare of your significant other?
True False

Are you proud of buying a home?
True False

Do you admire Hillary Clinton?
True False

Have you ever stalked your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend?
True False

Would you let a mobster build up a $6,000 tab in your restaurant?
True False

Do you prefer swimming with ducks rather then fishes?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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