This quiz tests World Leaders Selector Tony Blair - UK Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector World Leaders Selector by Sarmad Gilani.
Test your knowledge of:
Tony Blair - UK

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you favor having a strong military?
True False

Does each country have a right to create and possess weapons?
True False

Should world power be balanced (i.e. no superpowers)?
True False

Do rich countries have an obligation to help the poor and weak ones?
True False

Is democracy a must in the modern world?
True False

Is morality a requirement for leadership?
True False

Is it ok for powerful countries to forcibly install or topple other governments?
True False

Being a rich puppet government is better than being a poor independent one.
True False

Should peacetime be favored over being at war?
True False

Is it acceptable to start a war for economic reasons? (oil, for example)
True False

Is democracy an inefficient and corrupt form of government?
True False

Dictators are evil and must be opposed.
True False

Should corrupt democratic governments be overthrown and replaced by dictators?
True False

Is it important to have strong alliances?
True False

Does religion have a role to play in politics and government?
True False

Should federal laws favor the majority religion over others?
True False

Are Palestinian attacks terrorism (answer yes) or is it freedom fighting? (answer no)
True False

Should ex-colonies punish and demand compensation from their former colonial masters?
True False

Is a nation's self-interests superior to the wishes of the world?
True False

Are domestic ratings and opinions more important than international ones?
True False

Some countries are fundamentally wrong and must be opposed regardless of their leader.
True False

Social programs like welfare and healthcare are important.
True False

The world will end in chaos, war, and destruction.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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