This quiz tests A Lord of the Rings Selector: Newer, Much Better, More Accurate Tom Bombadil Lord of the Rings Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Lord of the Rings IQ Quiz is based upon the selector A Lord of the Rings Selector: Newer, Much Better, More Accurate by osu992.
Test your knowledge of:
Tom Bombadil

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

When making a purchase, are you more concerned with price(yes) or quality(no)? Would you leave a hole in your wallet to get a better product?
True False

Are you sarcastic or do you appreciate sarcasm?
True False

Have you ever said, "look at these guns" in reference to your 'huge' biceps or "look at what I am able to do that you aren't/look what I have that you don't"? Anything of the likes? Do you sometimes brag, at all? Im sure most of you do...its okay, don't lie, thats not right. Answer yes if this is also true: you are constantly telling people about yourself and others (This is not necessarily bragging, but do you always tell people about the qualities of you and your kin?) So if your answer to any of these questions is yes, click yes.
True False

Which would you prefer a rural (country) setting (yes) or a Urban/Suburbarn (city) setting(no)? In which would you prefer to live?
True False

Are you a lover (yes) or a fighter (no), which do you prefer to be?
True False

Do you find that you are often alone and secretive(yes) or are you a social creature(no)?
True False

Are you a social liberatarian(yes) or authoritarian(no)?
True False

Are you wise and noble?
True False

Are you a pessimist(yes) or an optimist(no)?
True False

Are you forgetful/clumsy/careless/goofy[do you laugh for no reason]? If yes to any click yes.
True False

Which is more prevelant for you common sense/streetsmarts (yes) or book smarts (no)?
True False

Are you ambitious _and_ couragous, sometimes in an attempt to advance yourself(yes) or do you keep to yourself (no), avoiding danger? If you are forced into doing certain things and don't do it out of your own ambition, click no.
True False

Do you subscribe to the theory that if you and/or your kin, friends, country, etc. benefit from your actions, then the action is justified, regardless if the action is morally right? This question might be inlign with the this: Do you agree with the theories expressed in Machiavelli's 'The Prince'? Do the ends justify the means? This could mean anything from a police officer lying to a suspect to get him into a position to be arrested, to a king killing off those that don't share his opinion to prevent treason.
True False

Do you think that your way of life and your culture are just about the best in the world and that no others should question the way in which you live your life(Its not up to any body else except you and your fellow citizens)? *Are you a person of great pride?*
True False

In living your life, does it seem that you are living to impress other people? Are you conforming to others' expectations of you? Do you sacrifice what you want to do, to do what someone else may want you to do, like your senior? Are you living for someone else?
True False

Is creativity one of your strong attributes? Do you play multiple instruments? Do you value/have great respect for music, poetry, and art?
True False

Do you find it hard to turn down other's requests?
True False

Did you read the preface to this selector before taking it? (This question is in regrads to patience. Do you jump in to things quickly(no) or do you take your time to fully examine the situation before you make yourself part of it (yes) . Are your decisions sometimes rash, and eventually regretable(no).)?
True False

Would you rather do a task alone(no) or rely on others for assistance, as in being part of a team (yes)? >_- I suppose the real question here is: In general, are you trustworthing in the craftwork of others as so that you would trust them to do some of what is a group project unsupervised?_-<
True False

Is it more important for people to respect you (yes) or agree with/like you (no)?
True False

Are you stubborn? Do you see your way and like to keep things that way?
True False

Are you more afraid of death or public speaking? (Death=yes,Public Speaking=no)[This question is a really, really good one when answered honestly]
True False

Do you sometimes doubt yourself and your abilities? Are you often sure that you won't be able to succeed? Do you feel that no matter how good you are at something that you or the group you are part of is destined to fail???
True False

You ARE human, of course, but are you driven by human nature (do you embrace human nature(yes) or do you try to fight the tendencies of human nature for what ever reason(no)?)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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