This quiz tests Pure Christianity Weirdo Cultist Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Pure Christianity by Dr. Trannon L. Goble.
Test your knowledge of:
Weirdo Cultist

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you agree that God is made up of three distinct persons in one Godhead?
True False

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Salvation.
True False

The Holy Spirit baptizes you at Salvation, not before or after.
True False

"Speaking in tongues" is always referring to EARTHLY LANGUAGES.
True False

Drinking alcohol in moderation is acceptable.
True False

Gambling in moderation is acceptable.
True False

Women are not to be "authority figures" over men in the Church body.
True False

Homosexuality is an unnatural sinful lifestyle contradictory to God's Law.
True False

The "Rapture" Theory is a hoax, we are all gathered with Christ at the Second Coming, not before.
True False

The earth was created in 6 "universal days". It is billions of years old.
True False

The wicked will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire. Immortality of the soul is only for the Saved (i.e. Pure Christian).
True False

"Judaism" is a mixture between darkness (Talmud) and Light (Torah).
True False

The Anti-Christ will come from Judaism.
True False

The "Jews" (of Judaism) are not God's Chosen People.
True False

God saves ANYONE who believes and obeys, not a select few.
True False

Multi-Culturalism and "Inter-faith" religions are diseases, not blessings.
True False

Partial-birth abortion is a sin.
True False

Extra-terrestrial beings exist.
True False

Pagan holidays, rituals, and practices can be "cleansed" and useful to Christians, such as celebrating Halloween.
True False

Music glorifying God should allow any and ALL instruments to be used.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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