This quiz tests What kind of Baptist are you? Southern Baptist Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What kind of Baptist are you? by Rev. Joe LeFlore.
Test your knowledge of:
Southern Baptist

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Unregenerate man is totally depraved.
True False

God chooses some to be saved (elect) and some to be damned (non-elect).
True False

The death of Christ atoned for all.
True False

The death of Christ atoned for the elect only.
True False

Christ died for all, but His death atoned only for those who accept Him.
True False

The grace of God is resistable.
True False

Once saved, always saved. (Eternal Security)
True False

I believe that the local church should be autonomous.
True False

The Lord's Supper should only be open to baptized members of the church. (Closed Communion)
True False

Washing of feet is an ordinance of the church.
True False

Missions should be among the highest priorities of the church.
True False

Former Baptists who join a church not of like faith should be outed for heresy.
True False

Liberalism is a major threat to the church.
True False

In any type of church council, congregations should have an equal voice rather than have representation based on the number of members.
True False

An unbroken line extends through history from the apostles to modern-day Baptists. (Trail of Blood/Landmarkism)
True False

Modern-day Baptist churches came out of the Protestant Reformation, rather than from Anabaptists.
True False

Those who don't go to my kind of church are destined for hell.
True False

I believe that theological trends among churches in the north are generally more correct than those in the south.
True False

I participate in the Cooperative Program.
True False

I know what the letters W-M-A stand for.
True False

I believe that John Calvin was a tool of the devil.
True False

I believe that church associations and conventions are a threat to local autonomy.
True False

I believe that John Calvin was a messenger from God.
True False

I believe I am supposed to take a covered dish to heaven.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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