This quiz tests Which God or Goddess From the Cult of Og Are you Most Like? Rice, God of the Dead Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which God or Goddess From the Cult of Og Are you Most Like? by Moo-ki.
Test your knowledge of:
Rice, God of the Dead

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you often question your gender?
True False

Do people have a tendency to call you cute?
True False

Are you dead?
True False

Do you like all things Punk-ish?
True False

Do you like singing alot?
True False

Do you like night alot better then day?
True False

Do you enjoy death?
True False

Are you a nymphomaniac (one who is obsessed with sex)?
True False

Do you like cake alot?
True False

Are you small and obsessively annoying (like a barking Chihuaua)?
True False

Do you idolize Roasted Pizza?
True False

Are you quick to judge people?
True False

Do people like to huggle (hug, glomp, pet, cuddle, etc) you alot?
True False

Do you like to masturbate?
True False

Does your diet consist of mainly blood with the occasional bite of flesh?
True False

If someone says something, can you immediately realte it to a song?
True False

Would you like the power to summon a kick ass dragon?
True False

Are you named after a food source?
True False

Have people ever tried to throw you out of a window?
True False

Do you think your name is awesome?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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