This quiz tests Revolutionary Aspirations CONSUMER – You are the western consumer that the imperialist corporations feed upon for their capital. Open your eyes to the suffering of the billions around the world and JOIN THE REVOLUTION! Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Revolutionary Aspirations by Comrade Revolution.
Test your knowledge of:
CONSUMER – You are the western consumer that the imperialist corporations feed upon for their capital. Open your eyes to the suffering of the billions around the world and JOIN THE REVOLUTION!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you think that the USA have a revolution in the next 10-30 years?
True False

Is the acquiring of capital more important than the welfare of human beings?
True False

Should the everyday lives be controlled by the state or should people have the general right to freedom?
True False

The Soviet system, despite its flaws and eventual degeneration into state capitalism, was inherently evil.
True False

Revolution should be achieved through peaceful means.
True False

Industry comes before the environment.
True False

My children do, or will, wear baby gap.
True False

My family and I consume more than an oppressed 3rd world country and don’t mind.
True False

Enslaving the 3rd world is okay as long as they keep producing for the west.
True False

I am dedicated to the revolution and the freedom of the human race.
True False

Human Rights are important.
True False

The USA does not resemble a fascist state.
True False

Despite the breaking up of the proletariat, governments are still eroding into a state of revolution.
True False

Technology should be sold to the people for the gain of profit for a corporation.
True False

Womens rights and workers liberation are important issues across
True False

Youth rights should be increased.
True False

Different people are bad.
True False

Ideas are bad.
True False

Conformity is good.
True False

Communism is the work of Satan.
True False

Healthcare should be/remain privatized so that only the rich can live.
True False

Child labour is a thing of the past.
True False

The world revolves around me and my maxed out gold card
True False

If given the choice to either have 1 million dollars or unite the world in peace, unity, and mutual equality and cooperation I’d take the million dollars.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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